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January 27, 2014
Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- January 27, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy,  Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
John L. reported on 2-day Mass. Municipal Assn. Annual Meeting he recently attended. One item the MMA was working on was to get Aid to Cities & Towns – and the annual process of distributing Chapter 70 & Chapter 90 local funding – to come up with a floor or base level that is guaranteed, and release this information during the budget season. This guaranteed figure could go up but not go down, and would greatly help the budget process for communities, “so you’d know what you can count on.” John also mentioned the MMA effort to address more rules being proposed for the Open Meeting Law, things which could make the conduct of business by town boards and committees untenable.

6:15 PM  Selectmen were updated on progress of the Regional Animal Control Program with copies of the final intermunicipal agreement. It has become a very successful operation, providing dependable service for less money. It was noted that Princeton’s total outlay for animal control has been reduced by 45 percent as a result of regionalization, and that Princeton’s contribution represents just over 19 percent of the program’s budget. The new purpose-fitted vehicle is smaller, newer and more efficient, and has spent less in fuel than the previous vehicle even though it logs more miles covering a broader area of several towns. A new animal control facility in Rutland is almost ready, it just needs the HVAC system completed before it can open for business.

Old Business
6:20 PM  John also reported that the state Dept. of Telecommunications had approved the town’s cable licensing waiver requests. One was to cut the town’s response [to bids] time from 60 days to 45 days and the other was to eliminate the need for advertising in a national trade journal. The BOS may now officially advertise for proposals from cable TV vendors.

Other Business
The BOS had received notice and application materials from the ZBA for a request for a special permit from Bill Gagnier, for non-conforming commercial use (offices and retail) on the ground floor of 2 Mountain Road. The office would be for the landscape design business of Steve Stimson of Gates Road. Because the request is to reinstate a use that occupied the building over two years ago, the Zoning Bylaw Section VII, 2. (D) calls for a special permit from the ZBA rather than a use variance. Edith asked if the BOS could forward a letter of support for the special permit, citing the fact that an office would have little or no impact on the neighborhood, such as extra noise or traffic. Selectmen discussed the advantages of encouraging business in the building, which historically housed a variety of mixed uses, including the Post Office, coffee shop/restaurant, heating oil business and convenience store.  The board voted all in favor to draft and send a letter of support for a special permit to re-activate two business uses at 2 Mountain Road, and forward it to the ZBA in time for the Jan. 30 public hearing.

John L. reported that the remaining structure from the fire over a year ago at 140 Ball Hill Road was demolished and the inground pool is filled in, so the site is considered secure.

Warrants and Minutes
6:35 PM  The board reviewed and approve vendor and payroll warrants: FY14 #15   With Edith abstaining, Stan and Neil voted to approve regular meeting minutes and Executive Session minutes for Jan. 13, 2013.

The board voted all in favor to release previously approved Exec. Sess. minutes of August 26, September 9, November 4, December 2, 2013 and to release Fire Chief portion only of Exec. Session minutes of December 16, 2013 and Jan. 13, 2014.

Executive Session
6:47 PM  Neil moved that selectmen enter into executive session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining (Police Officers) and not to reconvene into open session.  Stan seconded the motion. In roll-call vote, Stan said “aye,” Edith said “Aye” and Neil said “aye.” Stan announced that “the Board would enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The Board will not reconvene in open session.”

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Budget for Animal Control Officer; ACO Intermunicipal Agreement [final]

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department